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What is Periodontology?

Periodontology is the branch of science that deals with the diseases of the tissues surrounding the teeth and their treatment.

What is Periodontitis?

Periodontitis; It is an inflammatory disease characterized by the destruction of teeth and their supporting tissues (periodontalligament, cementum, alveolar bone). Gingivitis has progressed to the alveolar bone (jawbone). The main cause of periodontitis is bacterial plaque and can be treated mechanically. However, genetic, environmental and systemic factors may also be factors in the formation of the disease.

What are the Symptoms of Periodontal Diseases?

The first symptom of periodontal diseases, which are common in society, is bleeding in the gums. Most of the time, this symptom is accompanied by bad breath, gum edema, redness, itching in the gums and sensitivity in the teeth. Periodontal diseases can affect people of all ages from childhood to old age with different severity. Most of the time, since the patient does not have a complaint such as pain, it can progress without symptoms. When the patient has a complaint, healthy, caries-free teeth are lost by shaking due to the losses in the supporting tissues.

What is Teeth Cleaning?

Tartar cleaning is the cleaning process applied by a doctor of tartar formed in the mouth due to inadequate dental care.

Is Teeth Cleaning Harmful?

Teeth cleaning is not harmful. It is the mineralization and petrification of the tartar bacterial plaque formed on the teeth if it is not cleaned. Delaying tartar cleaning can cause you to lose your teeth. It is recommended that you have a dental calculus cleaning every 6 months.

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What is Phrenectomy?

The soft tissue that connects the lip, tongue and cheek tissues is called the frenulum. It is found in the mouth between the upper and lower middle incisors, between the cheek and posterior teeth, and under the tongue. While the frenulum may differ from person to person, it can be found in more than one form in the mouth. Although it is not only located under the tongue, it can be located in more than one place in the posterior region of the cheek, the upper and lower front teeth and the lip. Mostly, tongue tie in children can cause movement restriction of the tongue. If not prevented, tongue tie can lead to speech disorders, gum and orthodontic problems in the future. In babies, lip tie can cause the positioning of the upper teeth and the formation of gaps between the teeth as they form. Tissues that are thicker or longer than they should be should be intervened in order not to cause bigger problems in the future. Frenectomy is the name given to the removal of frenulum tissue. Frenectomy is easy and short-term thanks to the latest technological devices. Local anesthesia is applied to the area, the person does not feel any pain.

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What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. If there is bleeding in the gums while brushing or consuming hard foods such as apples, it may mean that there is a disease in the gums. Healthy gums do not regress and are light pink in color. Diseased gums are red in color. If there is bleeding, redness or swelling in the gums, it is absolutely necessary to consult a doctor. Otherwise, teeth may fall out in case of a possible gum disease.

How to Prevent Gingival Inflammation?

Patients should brush and floss their teeth regularly. However, sometimes, despite all this care, plaque or tartar can form on the teeth. Patients should go to the doctor for control every 6 months. In this control, a detailed examination of the inside of the mouth should be done, and dental stones and plaques should be cleaned. Patients should have a regular and balanced diet, and avoid tobacco products, especially cigarettes.

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What are the Causes of Bad Breath, Is It Permanent?

Bad breath can be related not only to the mouth but also to the digestive system. For example, bad breath can occur in metabolic acidosis, which is a metabolic disease. Here, the quality of the mouth odor is important. First, the underlying cause of bad breath is determined, and then it is treated. If the patient does not brush his teeth and does not pay attention to his oral health, odor may occur in his mouth.

  • Tooth and gum diseases, infections, cysts and abscesses can also cause bad breath.
  • People who regularly consume cigarettes and alcoholic beverages,
  • Bad breath is more common in people with metabolic diseases, especially the digestive system.
  • Some neurological and antihypertensive drugs that are used regularly can also cause bad breath.

Why Do Gums Bleed?

Gum bleeding is a condition seen in healthy gums. Gum bleeding can have many causes. Vitamin deficiencies, genetic or metabolic diseases, infection or abscesses in the gums, trauma can cause bleeding in the gums.

Bleeding in healthy gums can usually occur as a result of obsessive brushing, vigorous brushing, or traumatic flossing.

Whatever the reason, a patient with bleeding gums should definitely consult a doctor.

What is Periodontal Inflammation Treatment?

First of all, a detailed intraoral examination is performed by the physician. Structures such as microbial plaque and tartar, which are formed in the mouth and can be a source of infection, are cleaned.

This is usually enough for a mild inflammation.

If there is a more serious situation, the pockets (due to osteoporosis) formed in the infection area can be filled with bone graft.

The treatment to be applied here is completely shaped according to the patient’s condition. If the gum infection is too advanced and the bones have started to shake, the tooth can be extracted and the appropriate treatment can be performed.

Is Gum Treatment Urgent, Should I Be Treated Later?

A dentist should be consulted without delay when gum disease is suspected, regardless of whether it is a child, young person or adult. Because preventive treatment is essential in dentistry. If treatment is started before the problem grows, the patient will survive the treatment more easily. Otherwise, the problem in the mouth will spread and the problem will grow and maybe cause tooth loss.

Another important reason for early diagnosis is the acceleration of tissue repair as age decreases. In case of possible gum disease, children and teenagers can repair better, while adults may take longer to treat.

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Gum Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

The first symptom of periodontal diseases, which are common in society, is bleeding in the gums. Most of the time, this symptom is accompanied by bad breath, gum edema, redness, itching in the gums and sensitivity in the teeth. Periodontal diseases can affect people of all ages from childhood to old age with different severity.

The health of the teeth is also determined by the surrounding soft tissue. Therefore, it is recommended to have calculus cleaning every 6 months under the control of a physician in order to keep the gums healthy.

Gum bleeding is a condition seen in healthy gums. There can be many reasons for bleeding gums. Vitamin deficiencies, genetic or metabolic diseases, infection or abscesses in the gums, trauma can cause bleeding in the gums.

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