Orthodontic Treatment

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Orthodontic Treatment

What is Braces Treatment?

Crooked teeth need to be corrected both for your health and quality of life. While this may be an aesthetic need, it also closely concerns your oral health, eating-drinking, brushing and speaking habits. Orthodontic treatments are necessary for the treatment of aesthetic defects caused by crooked teeth or distorted jaws and to restore function in the best way possible.

What Happens if a Patient With Crooked Teeth Is not Treated?

Although it is an open-ended question, it can be answered as follows. Clotting disorders called malocclusion in orthodontics are grouped as Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3. In this grouping, the concepts of deep and open closure have an important place. For example, although the patient is in the Class 1 group and does not have any closing disorder, they may apply to the clinic with aesthetic complaints, but they may have serious joint complaints due to deep bite. Correction of incisor relationship and deep bite is essential in its treatment.

What Happens if a Patient With Crooked Teeth Is not Treated?

Class II is a problem we encounter often. It is characterized by the upper jaw being forward, the lower jaw being back, or both. In its treatment, it is essential to use functional devices (activator, bionator-twin-block, etc.) that take the lower jaw forward and inhibit the development of the upper jaw in the early period. These patients often have respiratory distress, limitation of mouth opening and serious joint complaints. With the possibility of being a candidate, their treatment is very important.

Apart from these problems, abnormal wear and cracks may occur in the teeth due to non-centric forces.

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Why Do Teeth Get Crowded? Is It Genetic To Have A Front Or Back Jaw?

The basic approach in orthodontic problems is the evaluation of genetic and environmental effects. The basic approach is to eliminate these factors in the applied treatment protocols. These 2 titles and their sub-reasons are among the main reasons for crowding and the disordered relations between the jaws.

  • Genetic; Genetic effects such as size mismatches between the jaws, missing or extra teeth, tooth-size anomalies, impacted teeth, and high frenulum attachments may cause crowding.
  • Environmental; Environmental effects such as bad habits (finger sucking, swallowing disorders, nail biting, etc.), mouth breathing, early loss of milk teeth, long-term use of bottles and pacifiers, and imitation can cause confusion.
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What Kind of Preparations are Made in the Mouth Before Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment is only possible with healthy teeth and gums. Therefore, the basic approach is to complete all other treatments before orthodontic treatment. However, in some cases, implant and prosthesis applications are left to the end of the treatment, as they are made for the purpose of prosthetic arrangements.

How Should the Care During Orthodontic Treatment?

Oral care is no different than normal oral care during orthodontic treatment. However, it is important to use specially designed orthodontic brushes and interface brushes as there is more retention area where food can accumulate. Although patients often think that brushing will damage the wires or plates, with the right brushing technique and strength, the wires will not be damaged.

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Is There an Age Limit in Orthodontic Treatment? Is Orthodontic Treatment Applied at All Ages?

To give a short answer to the question of whether there is an age limit in orthodontic treatment, there is no age limit. However, not every treatment can be applied at every age. Except for special cases, there is no need for treatment under the age of 7 years. These special cases include multiple tooth deficiencies such as cleft lip and palate and oligodontia.

The general approach is that early treatment is mandatory in cases where the jaw relations are broken (lower/upper jaw retardation or forwardness). For example, 8-9 years of age for upper jaw recessions and 11-12 years for lower jaw recessions constitute the ideal period. In the later stages of development, surgical-assisted orthodontic treatment is required to solve these problems (orthognathic treatment).

Is There an Age Limit in Orthodontic Treatment?

Among the purposes of orthodontic treatment in adult patients; It is a shooting-assisted camouflage treatment, which is an alternative method applied to patients who do not want to receive surgical-assisted treatment with smile design and arrangement of tooth positions before lamina, bridge, and implant applications.

What are the Damages of Bracket Falling?

In addition to the economic costs, discoloration and sensitivities that may occur due to micro-scratches caused by repetitive roughening and cleaning processes on the tooth surface are the damages of bracket falling off. It is also possible to prolong the treatment period due to reasons such as the balanced transfer of the applied force due to the falling of the bracket / the deterioration of the mechanics.

Is There Any Other Method Other than the -Plug-in-and-Remove-Appliance Given After Orthodontic Treatment?

There are 3 commonly used reinforcement methods:

  • 1-Hawley retainer
  • 2- Essix retainer
  • 3- Fixed retainer

While the first 2 devices are movable, the third is a fixed reinforcement method that is fixed behind the teeth. Considering the patient’s condition before treatment, the appropriate reinforcement method is preferred. For example, while a fixed retainer is advantageous in a treatment performed due to tooth gaps; Hawley retainer may be more advantageous in a treatment for open bite. Although it may vary according to the patient and the treatment, it is important to use the apparatus day and night for at least 6 months. This period can be reduced with subsequent controls, but the use of plaque is not stopped all of a sudden. Serious relapses may occur if reinforcement therapy is not followed.

What Should Be Done to Avoid Falling of Brackets During Orthodontic Treatment?

  • Avoid consuming acidic and sticky foods,
  • Controlled consumption of foods with a kernel (eg olive, plum, Çağla..)
  • Instead of biting with the front teeth, it is important to feed it in small bites with the back teeth.

Orthodontic Treatment Frequently Asked Questions

It is possible to achieve 3-dimensional movement in the teeth and to provide ideal aesthetics and function with “lingual orthodontics” applied to the back surfaces of the teeth and “transparent plaque treatment” known as wireless orthodontics.

Yes it can be fixed. While it is possible to correct spontaneously with habit prevention in the early period, there are different alternatives that can range from extraction-supported fixed orthodontic treatments to surgical-supported orthodontic treatment in the future.

If the position of the impacted tooth is suitable and there is a necessary space, it can be replaced by removing the gum and bone above it. However, it may not be possible to maintain due to anatomical conditions and tooth position. In both cases, treatment (shooting or continuation) is essential. Because impacted teeth can cause resorption, pain and dentigerous cyst formation in the roots of adjacent teeth.

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